Prayer List week of September 15, 2024

Our Country, First Responders, Military, Israel, Ukraine, Russia, Haiti, Missionaries, and our church family

Sandy Cohill scheduled thyroid biopsy

Jo Snyder broken wrist

Jim Schneider bone & lung cancer

Joe Nolan (James Nolan’s son) upcoming medical procedure

Sandy Tomson with heart issues

Travel Mercies for Larry & Connie Blacker

Roy & Sandy Jacox 15th great grandchild

James Barry back pain

Tom Walton’s brother failing health

Bonnie Owens’ brother, granddaughter and great grandson

Henrietta Mondello confusion, anxiety and depression

Lonnie Perkins passed (friend of the Strickland family)

Jim & Beth Reeves travel mercies

Saundra Wilson medical questions answered

John Niland stroke and in rehab (Suzanne Matthew ’neighbor)

Carol March a cold and eye problems

Jeni Humiston knee problems (Shirley Helton’s daughter)

Abigail Morales car accident (Diane Diehl’s daughter)

Dolores Deluce’s daughter health problems

Deb with a cold (Dot Chafin’s daughter)

Everett Smit recovering from a stroke

Dawn Amell anxiety

Jamie Thompson cancer

Colton Thompson serving in Saudia Arabia

Dick Konkle’s wife passed

Cecil Everett renal cancer

Kelly Halsey health issues

Phyllis Bolin stroke

Christopher Cruz to heal and walk again

Regina Crawford upcoming eye surgery

Stanley Ruby

Charlotte Sherrill

Judy Jones

Renie Austin

Stephanie Reed

Sybil Bradley

Dave Rumfelt

Continued Prayers:

Gary Henry, Lonny Smith, Larry Blacker, Nancy Hills, Nathan Polly, Joclyn Houdasheldt, Florence Wilson, Dick Elder, Shirley Pittman, Bruce Payne and family, Dona Strickland, Glen Stockton, Deputy Lahara, Tom & Lorine Day, Jacob Thomas, Ruby Fox

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